
Posts Tagged ‘cartoons’

I am a giant procrastinator, its something that simultaneously annoys and amuses me about myself. It obviously makes relatively simple tasks take a billion times longer than they need to. However after several years of university one learns that, for better or worse, this is part of the system and if you dont partake  stress could become too much. Personally, I find procrastination goes hand in hand with watching cartoons, because im a mature 23 year old. In light of how awesome cartoons are I would like to present to you the top 6 cartoons that entertain me while I duck responsibilty and all manner of readings and assignments.

In no particular order:

6. The Animaniacs

How can anyone not love this show? It has a number of different cartoons within it so I believe there is something for most people to enjoy about it. I appreciated that I was both entertained and educated in a number of episodes. The universe song (reminding one a bit of Eric Idle’s song in Monty Python’s the Meaning of Life) and the American state song come to mind. My favourite segments were always the Good Idea/Bad Idea, Mime Time, and Pinky and the Brain ones. If I ever was crazy enough to reproduce, this show would be a must for my kids.

5. Daria

This show came out when I was in elementary school and while  I caught the odd episode, I never really got into the show. Fast forward to this past year, when I rediscovered it whilst looking on one of the numerous streaming websites. I saw the title and vaguely recalled the dry sarcastic humour, which naturally appealed to me much more at this point in my life. After watching several seasons in a short amount of time I warmed up to Daria and her amusing and cynical reflections on the world around her. I by no means agree with all of her viewpoints and she herself admits that she is wrong at times, but one can often relate to her situations and its so entertaining that doesnt matter. Over time many of the supporting characters personalities are fleshed out in a very satisfactory way, such as Daria’s sister Quinn and the other members of the fashion club. I never knew anyone like Daria or the characters in the show, but I kind of wish I did.

4. Batman (1990’s version)

I doubt this show even needs explaining. Those that grew up watching it or at least saw the top 11 cartoon review by The Nostalgia Critic, know that this was a fantastic show. It was a suspenseful, humorous, and sometimes dark cartoon that really made the caped crusader a prominent figure in my childhood. Naturally the villains are my favourite, especially the Joker and Harly Quinn, the Scarecrow, and the Penguin. The majority of the charcters introduced were interesting and many developed more complex personalities. The setting for Gotham city was my favourite of any of the Batman related sets (besides Tim Burtons Batman films), and the voice actors gave the show another layer of awesome.

3. Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy

Ive been a bit divided on this show since I first watched it. I enjoy the character of Mandy and the fact that she made the excellently accented Grim Reaper her best friend forever, simply by winning at a game of supernatural limbo. The storylines are surprisingly entertaining and the animation is better quality than many of the childrens shows ive seen in recent years. Even Voltaire (the musician, not the french philosopher) lent his vocals to an episode, much to my delight. My only problem with the show is Billy and the use of gross out humour, which has never really appealed to me…but one can overlook it in favour of the shows better aspects.

2. Archer

Another classy choice on my list :P. As an insomniac I have many nights where I just dont sleep, on one such night I came across this show on the cartoon network. It immediately took me in with its distinct animation, James Bond-esque setting/storylines, and sexual humour. I dont think any description I give could do justice to the show, yes its juvenile in many parts, but the interplay between the characters, especially Sterling Archer and his ex girlfriend/colleague Lana Kane, are pretty hilarious at times. At very least, the first season is worth a watch for newcomers.

1. South Park

I dont really keep up on South Park and this show has always been hit and miss. However, I do like that it tends to stay fresh by relating to current events and on the occasions that I do catch it, it can still make me laugh. I prefer it to Family Guy, American Dad, and last 5 seasons or so of The Simpsons.

Honourable Mentions:

 Reboot: This show is amazing and I would happily rewatch every episode. It only didnt make the list because I cant technically classify it as a cartoon, at least in the traditional sense. If you somehow have made it through life at this point without seeing it, immediately hunt down these episodes and make a lot of popcorn. You will thank me later.

Gargoyles: I loved this show when I was a kid, but havent seen it in years so I cant really comment on how well it held up over time. All I know is that Goliath is super cool and it broke my heart a bit when I relaized years later that he actually had a mullet. Sadface. Oh well, watch it on my behalf anyway.

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